Alström's warbler

Alström's warbler

Plain-tailed warbler

Phylloscopus soror

Alström's warbler (Phylloscopus soror ), or the plain-tailed warbler, is a species of Old World warbler in the family Phylloscopidae. It was first described in 1999. It breeds only in China and winters as far as Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam. Its natural habitat is temperate forests.



Alström's warbler often forages in a low, dense growth of forests. This bird is known to eat insects and catch prey during short flights. The bird is not currently globally threatened. This bird has a very large range and does not approach the potential of being a vulnerable species. The warbler typically breeds in warmer, temperate areas. These areas are found within evergreen broadleaf forest zones and lush undergrowth in mature forests. It has a scattered breeding range across central and eastern China. The warbler tends to breed in bushes and small trees of low to moderate height, in recently cleared areas. This bird is a migratory species. It migrates during the winter to southern Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, southern Vietnam, and southern China.


Mating Habits

Based on male singing activity, the mating activity of the warbler is from May to June. The non-breeding distribution and migratory periods are not fully known at this time. This bird has been located in southern China outside of its breeding range from early September to early October. The warbler has been seen in Thailand during mid-September, as well as in southern Vietnam in late September. The non-breeding warbler has been observed in southern Myanmar up until mid-April. The warbler has been spotted on Chinese breeding grounds in late April. Its distribution in the non-breeding season is hard to estimate because there is an overlap of non-singing similar species which makes identification very difficult.


1. Alström's warbler Wikipedia article -öm's_warbler
2. Alström's warbler on The IUCN Red List site -
3. Xeno-canto bird call -

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