Black Phoebe
Sayornis nigricans
Population size
Life Span
up to 3 years
g oz 
cm inch 

The Black phoebe (Sayornis nigricans) is a medium-sized passerine bird that belongs to the tyrant-flycatcher family. It breeds in North America south through Central and South America and lives in various habitats, always near water. The Black phoebe has six subspecies, but these can be divided into two groups which are sometimes considered to be separate species: the nigricans group (black phoebe) and the latirostris group (white-winged phoebe).


The Black phoebe has predominantly black plumage, with white on its belly and undertail coverts. The white forms an inverted "V" in the lower breast. The male and the female of this species are identical and plumage does not vary seasonally. Juveniles have browner plumage, cinnamon-brown feather tips on their body, and brown wing bars. The bird has brown irises and black legs, feet, and beak.




Black phoebes breed in the west and southwest United States, Mexico and Central America, and parts of South America. In Oregon they are found in river valleys on the Pacific coast, and in California on the western side of Coast Ranges. They breed throughout the Colorado River valley and occasionally is found to the north in southern Nevada and southwestern Utah, as well as Arizona and central New Mexico. In Central America, they breed in Baja California, except for the central part of the peninsula, and on interior mainland Mexico southwest to Panama, excluding El Salvador. In South America, they are found in the coastal mountains of Venezuela, through Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru, to western Bolivia and northwestern Argentina. These birds live year-round in most of their range, although northern populations may be partially migratory. They are always found near water and are often found at coastal cliffs, river or lake banks, or even park fountains. Habitats must also include a supply of mud for nest building.

Black Phoebe habitat map

Climate zones

Black Phoebe habitat map
Black Phoebe
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Habits and Lifestyle

Black phoebes are arboreal and are rarely seen on the ground. Outside of the breeding season these birds usually spend time singly. They feed by day but may sometimes catch insects around electric lights. Phoebes hunt by waiting on a perch before sallying out and catching their prey in the air. Their flight isis direct, with steady wing beats. Phoebes can be recognized by a characteristic "tail-wagging" motion, in which the tail is lowered and the tail's feathers fanned out. The song of these birds consists of two alternating phrases ‘tee-hee’, ‘tee-ho’, or ‘sisee, sitsew’. The song can be heard from both sexes but is more commonly sung by males.

Seasonal behavior
Bird's call

Diet and Nutrition

Black phoebes are mainly carnivores (insectivores) and feed on a wide range of insects. Some birds are well adapted to capturing small fish. They may sometimes eat small berries.

Mating Habits

15-18 days
1-6 eggs

Black phoebes are monogamous. They form pairs and with the start of the breeding season become territorial. The female selects a nest site and makes an open cup nest which is placed under a cliff or a bridge and cemented in its place with mud. The female lays 1-6 eggs and incubates them for about 15 to 18 days. The male protects her during this time and may sometime assist in brooding the eggs. The chicks hatch helpless and blind. Both parents feed their young until they fledge which usually occurs 18-21 days after hatching.


Population threats

Black phoebes don’t face any major threats at present.

Population number

According to IUCN Red List, the total population size of the Black phoebe is 5,000,000 million mature individuals. Currently, this species is classified as Least Concern (LC) on the IUCN Red List, and its numbers today are increasing.


1. Black phoebe Wikipedia article -
2. Black phoebe on The IUCN Red List site -
3. Xeno-canto bird call -

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