Carpathian Lynx
Lynx lynx carpathicus
Population size
around 2,000
Life Span
15 years

The Carpathian lynx (Lynx lynx carpathicus) is a subspecies of the Eurasian lynx found in the Carpathian Basin. It was once common throughout Europe but is now extinct in some areas.


Carpathian lynxes are quite large compared to other cat species. They have long legs, large paws, bob tails, cheek hair forming a facial ruff, and tall ears with noticeable black tufts. Like other lynx subspecies, Carpathian lynxes have big, furry paws which hit the ground with a spreading toe movement, allowing them to walk above the snow. Their thick fur protects them from cold during winter. They have soft fur, which has denser amounts of spots than other lynx subspecies. Individual Carpathian lynxes also have different patterns of spots.



Carpathian lynxes are found in the Carpathian mountain ranges of Romania, Slovakia, Hungary, Ukraine, and Bulgaria where they inhabit deciduous, coniferous, and mixed forests.

Climate zones

Habits and Lifestyle

Carpathian lynxes are solitary animals and try to avoid humans; they come together only to breed. They are not fast runners compared to other cat species and instead rely on ambush attacks to kill their prey. Like other Eurasian lynxes, they are nocturnal or crepuscular and spend the day sleeping in dense thickets or other places of concealment. However, they may hunt during the day when food is scarce. Adult lynxes typically have hunting areas that can be anything from 20 to 450 km2 (7.7 to 173.7 sq mi), depending on the local availability of prey. Males tend to hunt over much larger areas than females, which tend to occupy exclusive, rather than overlapping, hunting ranges. Eurasian lynxes can travel up to 20 km (12 mi) during one night looking for prey. They patrol regularly throughout all parts of their hunting range, using scent marks to indicate their presence to other individuals. They often climb onto high rocks or fallen trees to scan the surrounding area. Eurasian lynxes are generally silent outside of the breeding season. They have been observed to mew, hiss, growl, and purr, and, like domestic cats, will "chatter" at prey that is just out of reach. Mating calls are much louder, consisting of deep growls in the male, and loud "meow-like" sounds in the female. Eurasian lynxes are secretive, and because the sounds they make are very quiet and seldom heard, their presence in an area may go unnoticed for years.

Seasonal behavior

Diet and Nutrition

Carpathian lynxes are carnivorous and prey on deer, wild goats, and sheep. In times of scarcity, they may feed on smaller animals, such as hares, rabbits, grouse, foxes, and rodents.

Mating Habits

63-74 days
1-4 kittens
10 months

Carpathian lynxes are polygynous and don’t form pairs. They have a gestation period of 63-74 days. Their litters have 1 to 4 kittens, who weigh 240 to 430 grams (8.5 to 15 oz) at birth and are born blind. The female raises the kittens by herself, and the male does not play a part in their parenting. The kittens remain with their mother for 10 months.


Population threats

The main threats to Carpathian lynxes include poaching and increasing landscape fragmentation in the Western Carpathians. In addition, due to reintroduction in the 1970s, there is an endangered population in the territories of Croatia, Slovenia, and Bosnia. Its main habitat, the Carpathian Mountains, is a popular eco-tourist destination. Another concern is illegal logging which is widespread in the area as well, due to the existing laws not having enough funding to be enforced.

Population number

According to IUCN Red List, the total population size of the Carpathian lynx is around 2,000 individuals. In Ukraine, its population in the Carpathian region consists of 350-400 individuals, and the one in the Polysya region in the north of the country consists of 80-100 animals. In Ukraine, the lynx population is considered to be decreasing.

Coloring Pages


1. Carpathian lynx Wikipedia article -

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