Etruscan Shrew

Etruscan Shrew

Etruscan pygmy shrew, White-toothed pygmy shrew

Suncus etruscus
Population size
Life Span
2 years
g oz 
cm inch 

The Etruscan shrew (Suncus etruscus) is the smallest known extant mammal by mass, weighing only about 1.8 g (0.063 oz) on average. It is characterized by very rapid movements and a fast metabolism, eating about 1.5-2 times its own body weight per day. Although widespread and not threatened overall, these tiny creatures are generally uncommon and are endangered in some countries.


The Etruscan shrew has a slender (not truncated) body. Its head is relatively large, with a long, mobile proboscis, and the hind limbs are relatively small. The ears are relatively large and protuberant. The Etruscan shrew has a very fast heart beating rate, up to 1511 beats/min (25 beats/s), and a relatively large heart muscle mass, 1.2% of body weight. The fur color on the back and sides is pale brown but is light gray on the stomach. The fur becomes denser and thicker from fall through the winter. The shrew usually has 30 teeth, but the 4th upper intermediate tooth is very small (rudimentary) and is absent in some individuals. Near the mouth grow a dense array of short whiskers, which the shrew actively uses to search for prey, especially in the night.




Etruscan shrews occur from Europe and North Africa up to Malaysia. They are also found in the Maltese islands, situated in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea. These small animals favor warm and damp habitats covered with shrubs, which they use to hide from predators. Areas, where open terrain such as grasslands and scrub meet deciduous forests, are usually inhabited. They can be found at sea level but are usually confined to the foothills and lower belts of mountain ranges. Etruscan shrews colonize riparian thickets along the banks of lakes and rivers, as well as human-cultivated areas such as abandoned gardens, orchards, vineyards, olive groves, and edges of fields. They are poorly adapted to digging burrows, so arrange their nests in various natural shelters, crevices, and abandoned burrows of other animals. Etruscan shrews frequent rocks, boulders, stone walls, and ruins, darting quickly in and out between them.

Etruscan Shrew habitat map

Climate zones

Etruscan Shrew habitat map
Etruscan Shrew
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Habits and Lifestyle

Etruscan shrews are solitary and territorial animals. They live alone, except during mating periods. They protect their territories by making chirping noises and signs of aggressiveness. Etruscan shrews tend to groom themselves constantly when not eating, and are always moving when awake and not hiding. The hiding periods are short and typically last less than half an hour. Clicking sounds are heard when these animals are moving, which cease when they rest. Etruscan shrews are more active during the night when they make long trips; during the day, they stay near the nest or in a hiding place. When hunting, Etruscan shrews mostly rely on their sense of touch rather than vision, and may even run into their food at night. In cold seasons and during food shortages, these animals lower their body temperatures and enter a state of temporary hibernation (torpor) to reduce energy consumption.

Group name
Seasonal behavior

Diet and Nutrition

Etruscan shrews are carnivores. They feed mostly on various invertebrates, including insects, larvae, and earthworms, as well as the young of amphibians, lizards, and rodents, and can hunt prey of nearly the same body size as themselves.

Mating Habits

27-28 days
2-6 young
3-4 weeks

Little is known about the mating system of Etruscan shrews. They usually breed from March to October, though females can be pregnant at any time of the year. Pairs usually form in the spring and may tolerate each other and their young for some time at the nest. The gestation period lasts around 27-28 days, and 2-6 babies per litter are born. Shrewlets are born naked and blind, weighing only 0.2 g (0.0071 oz). After their eyes open at 14 to 16 days old, they mature quickly. The mother usually moves the young when they are 9 to 10 days old and if disturbed leads them by caravanning them to a new location. The young Etruscan shrews are weaned at 20 days old. By 3 to 4 weeks of age, the young are independent and are soon reproductively mature.


Population threats

The largest threat to Etruscan shrews originates from human activities, particularly the destruction of their nesting grounds and habitats as a result of farming. Etruscan shrews are also sensitive to weather changes, such as cold winters and dry periods.

Population number

The IUCN Red List and other sources don’t provide the number of the Etruscan shrew total population size. Currently, this species is classified as Least Concern (LC) on the IUCN Red List.

Ecological niche

Etruscan shrews probably play an important role in controlling insect populations due to their diet. They are also food for local predators such as birds of prey and especially owls.


1. Etruscan Shrew on Wikipedia -
2. Etruscan Shrew on The IUCN Red List site -

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