Borneo Elephant

Borneo Elephant

Pygmy elephant, Borneo pygmy elephant


Elephas maximus borneensis
Population size
Life Span
55-70 years
Top speed
km/h mph 
t lbs 
m ft 

The smallest elephant in Asia, the Borneo elephant (Elephas maximus borneensis), or otherwise known as the Pygmy elephant is a rather charming and adorable creature. Compared to other Asian elephants, Borneo elephants are more gentle-natured animals. In the past, they were considered descendants of a domesticated elephant herd, which was given to the Sultan of Sulu in the 17th century. According to WWF, Borneo elephants genetically differ from other Asian elephants. This statement is supported by DNA evidence, which discovered that the species was isolated from their relatives in mainland Asia and Sumatra around 300,000 years ago. As a result, Borneo elephants became smaller, developing larger ears, longer tails, and straighter tusks in the course of time.


In general, Asian elephants are smaller than African elephants and have the highest body point on the head. The tip of their trunk has one finger-like process. Their back is convex or level. Borneo elephants have baby-like face, unusually large ears, plump belly, and an extremely long tail, which occasionally drag on the ground while the animal walks.




Borneo elephants occur on the Borneo Island, more specifically, in Sabah (Malaysia) and in Kalimantan (Indonesia). Population in Kalimantan is located in the eastern part of the region, limited to tiny area upper Sembakung River. They prefer to live in lowland rainforests and valleys.

Borneo Elephant habitat map

Climate zones

Borneo Elephant habitat map
Borneo Elephant
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Habits and Lifestyle

Borneo elephants are sociable animals that live in matriarchal hierarchy. They form small groups of 8 individuals on average, which are dominated by females. However, on riverbanks and other open feeding areas, these animals can be seen in larger groups. Groups of this species are family units, typically consisting of mothers, daughters, sisters and immature males (occasionally - an adult male). Mature males tend to live solitarily or form temporary bull herds. Family units occasionally gather together. This association is highly beneficial for them, helping keep genetic diversity, which, in turn, is vital for their further evolution and survival. These active elephants are known to wander throughout their habitat, travelling up to 40-48 km (25-30 miles) a day. Borneo elephants are migratory animals. Seasonal migration helps the elephants keep themselves in good physical shape. In addition, when travelling, Borneo elephants often cross rivers and prove themselves to be excellent swimmers.

Seasonal behavior

Diet and Nutrition

Borneo elephants are herbivores (graminivores, folivores, frugivores, lignivores). They mainly consume grasses, fruits, bark, palms and banana plants, complementing their diet with minerals that are taken from salt licks.

Mating Habits

19-22 months
1 calf
3-4 years

Little is known about the mating and reproductive behaviors of Borneo elephants. A single calf is produced after a gestation period of 19-22 months. The baby feeds upon maternal milk for 3-4 years and becomes reproductively mature by 10 years of age.


Population threats

Borneo elephants currently suffer from fragmentation, degradation and loss of their habitat as a result of growing human population, which leads to disruption of their migration routes, depletion of food sources as well as destruction of their natural environment. Elephants frequently eat or trample crops, thus coming into serious conflicts with humans. This causes a high number of mortality not only in animals, but also in humans: as a result, hundreds of people and elephants are killed every year.

Population number

According to the WWF (World Wildlife Fund) recourse, the total Borneo elephant population is approximately 1,500 individuals. Overall, the Asian elephant is classified as Endangered (EN) on the IUCN Red List.

Fun Facts for Kids

  • Borneo elephants are more gentle-natured than other elephants.
  • The highly developed brain of these intelligent animals is the largest among all terrestrial mammals: it's 3-4 times bigger than the human brain but is noticeably smaller as a proportion of their body weight.
  • The pulse rate of this animal is 27, which is extremely slow when compared to a canary, which has a pulse rate of 1000.
  • Despite their poor vision, elephants possess a keen sense of smell.
  • To smell better, these animals are known to wave their trunks from side to side as well as up in the air.
  • Elephant trunk is a 'multifunctional tool'. Thus, the animal uses its trunk to learn the size, shape, and temperature of an object. The trunk also helps lift food as well as suck up water and then pour it into its mouth to drink.
  • Elephants can display emotions such as laughing and crying. Moreover, they can play and have a highly developed memory.
  • Elephants can 'listen' through their feet: the sub-sonic rumblings, produced by elephants, cause vibrations in the ground and are perceived by other elephants. To 'listen' to these vibrations, they position their feet and put their trunks on the ground.
  • These sensitive and careful animals can feel grief and compassion. They demonstrate self-awareness, altruism, and playful behavior. When a calf complains, the whole family gathers around to show concern and caress the baby.
  • Ears of these animals consist of a complex system of blood vessels, controlling their body temperature. When it gets hot, elephants can cool off due to blood, circulating through their ears.

Coloring Pages


1. Borneo Elephant Wikipedia article -
2. Borneo Elephant on The IUCN Red List site -

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