Parosphromenus harveyi
Parosphromenus harveyi

Parosphromenus harveyi is a species of gourami endemic to Malaysia, where it is only known from Selangor. The most extreme freshwater habitats in Peninsular Malaysia is the peat swamp forest that consist of dark-coloured and highly acidic waters. Parosphromenus harveyi is known as licorice gourami, small labyrinth fishes located within the north Selangor peat swamp forest from the Tanjong Malim area in neighbouring Perak state at least one population distribution that exhibit a wide variety of morphological and behavioural traits. Species of the osphronemid genus Parosphromenus (usually <30 mm SL) that stenotypic inhabitant of peat swamp forests and associated black water streams which has a very little light penetrates. Parosphromenus was established by Brown, 1987. Since 1950s, the additional taxa have been described on a sporadic basis and there are 20 recognised members at present.

Animal name origin

The generic name is a compound of para meaning "near", "similar to" and Osphronemusa name coined by Philibert Commerson meaning "olfactory", a reference to its labyrinth organ, which Commerson thought was an olfactory organ. The person honoured in the specific name is thought to be the German born aquarist Will Harvey (1916-2013) who settled in Scotland after World War II and whose obituary Brown wrote.

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Common name: Turkoosigurami in Finland (Finnish language)

Other name: Ornate paradisefish and Harvey Licourice Gourami

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Biogeographical realms

Mostly, Parosphromenus harveyi lives in the freshwater; pelagic; migratory; tropical.

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Ecology: Mangrove.

Biology: Inhabits peat swamp forest

Habitat: Black water stream

Water depth: Range from about 30 to 160 cm with the fluctuating rainfall

Asia: Selangor, Bernam, Malaysia.

Distribution: Tanjung Malim, Perak

FAO areas where Parosphromenus harveyi occurs : Asia - inland waters (endemic)

Ecosystems where Parosphromenus harveyi occurs: Oriental ecosystem in zoogeographic realm (endemic)

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Habits and Lifestyle

Seasonal behavior

Diet and Nutrition

This particular species eats live-food such as baby mosquito, grindal worm, daphnia insects, benth. Copepods, ostracods other annelids. According to Ifish Malaysia observation of their captured P. harveyi, this fish only eat live-food and most of the dried food given were refused. This species is chiefly a micropredator feeding on tiny aquatic invertebrates, therefore in the aquarium it must be offered a variety of small live foods such as Artemia nauplii, Daphnia, Moina, mosquito larvae, micro worm, etc. Frozen foods are sometimes accepted but not considered sufficiently nutritious while the majority of dried products are normally refused.

Mating Habits

Mating behaviour of the true Parosphromenus harveyi is their distinct head-down courtship. Good pairs mate, spawn and brood care almost continuously if the conditions are suitable. Medium-size clutches.

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Many of the August/September males shown to be in full breeding colouration. This condition suggests that there is probably a higher incidence of breeding in this species during low water.

Parosphromenus spp. have been grouped arbitrarily based on courtship behaviour in males which adopt a 'head-down', 'head-up', or 'horizontal' position depending on species. Normally spawns in small caves or among leaf litter and forms temporary pair bonds with the male solely responsible for egg and brood-care. P. harveyi belongs to the former, more species, assemblage in which the male assumes a near-vertical position with the head lowermost and fins splayed during nuptial displays. Sexually-active males form small territories at the centre of which is a small cave normally formed from leaf litter in nature. They then attempt to attract females in the vicinity to enter the cave via spectacular. Eggs and milt are released in batches during a series of embraces in which the male wraps its body around that of the female. Some males construct a rudimentary bubble nest inside the cave while others do not, but either both male and female attempt to attach the eggs to the ceiling after they are released. Subsequent spawning embraces may dislodge eggs from the roof of the cave, and inexperienced adults sometimes simply eat them so a degree of patience may be required until the fish get things right. Following a successful spawn the female leaves the cave and proceeds to defend the surrounding area while the male tends to the brood. Incubation is normally 24–36 hours with the fry mobile around 4–6 days later. They initially swim without direction and the male will collect and return them to the 'nest' but after 3–5 additional days are fully free-swimming and leave the cave at which point parental care ceases.

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Population threats

Very high

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After the type locality has been dried up almost completely, deforested and thus made barely inhabitable for licorice gouramis, the species appears to have adjourned into the formerly extended nature protection area "Selangor Forest". But despite its protected status this area too has been drained in large parts and has been transformed to plantations. P. harveyi tries to survive in some of the drainage canals and in remaining black water swamps of the relict jungle.


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1. Parosphromenus harveyi Wikipedia article -
2. Parosphromenus harveyi on The IUCN Red List site -

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