Mistletoe tyrannulet
Zimmerius parvus

The mistletoe tyrannulet (Zimmerius parvus ) is a very small bird, a passerine in family Tyrannidae, the tyrant flycatchers.


The mistletoe tyrannulet is a small bird, 11 - 12 cm in length as an adult. Adults have a slaty cap, a bright white supercilium ("eyebrow"), an olive-green back and conspicuous yellow edging along the wing.

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The mistletoe tyrannulet ranges from Guatemala and Honduras south to the extremity of northwestern Colombia. It can be found in humid evergreen forest and edge, cultivation and semi-open areas with large trees. It is a fairly common to common bird across its range.

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Mistletoe tyrannulet habitat map
Mistletoe tyrannulet habitat map
Mistletoe tyrannulet
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Diet and Nutrition

The mistletoe tyrannulet is an active forager, moving quickly about with its tail cocked as it searches for prey, mainly arthropods, amidst the foliage. It can be found as a member of a mixed-species feeding flock. The bird also takes fruit, preferentially that of mistletoes (order Santalales).

Mating Habits

The mistletoe tyrannulet's nest is a globular mass of rootlets, mosses and other plant matter, hidden in a tangle or growth or in an epiphyte. The clutch is two whitish eggs, speckled rusty.


1. Mistletoe tyrannulet Wikipedia article - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mistletoe_tyrannulet
2. Mistletoe tyrannulet on The IUCN Red List site - https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/103680835/112300016
3. Xeno-canto bird call - https://xeno-canto.org/686019

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