New Zealand Fur Seal

New Zealand Fur Seal

Kekeno, Antipodean fur seal, Australasian fur seal, Black fur seal, South Australian fur seal, Southern fur seal, Long-nosed fur seal, South australian fur seal

Arctocephalus forsteri
Population size
Life Span
12-15 years
Top speed
km/h mph 
kg lbs 
m ft 

Arctocephalus forsteri (common names include the Australasian fur seal, South Australian fur seal, New Zealand fur seal, Antipodean fur seal, or long-nosed fur seal) is a species of fur seal found mainly around southern Australia and New Zealand. The name New Zealand fur seal is used by English speakers in New Zealand; kekeno is used in the Māori language. As of 2014, the common name long-nosed fur seal has been proposed for the population of seals inhabiting Australia.

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Although the Australian and New Zealand populations show some genetic differences, their morphologies are very similar, and thus they remain classed as a single species. After the arrival of humans in New Zealand, and particularly after the arrival of Europeans in Australia and New Zealand, hunting reduced the population to near-extinction.

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The Māori name for the fur seal is “kekeno”, which means “look-arounds”. This behavior is easily recognized from observing a seal colony. Kekeno had very good reason to look around, as by the close of the 19th-century hunters and sealers had almost driven them to extinction. These seals are the commonest seals in New Zealand and their numbers are growing. They are excellent swimmers, and pups, once weaned, will sometimes cover great distances. A pup tagged on the west coast of the South Island was recorded in Australia. When on land they will sometimes become disoriented, being found in unusual locations such as streets, back yards, and drains.



The New Zealand fur seal has two geographically isolated populations: the first around New Zealand and the second along Australia’s south coast. In New Zealand, they are concentrated in the area of the South Island, where large breeding colonies are on the southern and western coasts and this country’s sub-Antarctic islands. There are no breeding colonies in the North Island, but these seals do occur on the Three Kings Islands in the north, off the northernmost tip of New Zealand. In Australia, they are found in coastal waters and the offshore islands of South and Western Australia. This species tends to stay near to land and is generally found on rocky shores, and readily goes into areas of coastal vegetation which are behind the shoreline. It seems to prefer the continental shelf and slope when at sea.

New Zealand Fur Seal habitat map

Climate zones

New Zealand Fur Seal habitat map
New Zealand Fur Seal
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Habits and Lifestyle

New Zealand fur seals spend much time on rocky shores, at haul-out sites. Every year these sociable creatures return to the same place during the breeding season. These sites can get noisy. Individuals make calls for a range of reasons. Males use vocalizations during their threat displays, and pups and females often vocalize when seeking each other after the mother has been on a foraging trip. Apart from the breeding season, males will practice comfort behaviors like grooming, scratching, and rubbing for a long period of time. During cold days, fur seals sleep on land, tucking their flippers under them and slightly curling up their bodies to retain heat. When it is warmer they will lie with their bodies and fins extended for the purpose of maximum heat loss. Their frequency of movement during the mid-summer slows down when they seek out shade and pools of water, or they take dips in the sea.

Seasonal behavior

Diet and Nutrition

New Zealand fur seals are carnivores (piscivores and molluscivores). They prey on octopus and arrow squid, fish, as well as birds, such as shearwaters and penguins.

Mating Habits

9 months
1 pup
9-10 months

New Zealand fur seals exhibit a polygynous system, where males defend their territory with a harem between 5 and 8 females. Being island-hoppers, male fur seals choose an island as their breeding site. On arrival at an island, males compete with one another to establish a territory two weeks before the pregnant females come ashore. Late October is the start of the breeding season, and it runs until early February. Cows generally mate once each year and bear a single pup, following a gestation of nine months. Delayed implantation occurs for 2 to 4 months after fertilization. This allows a female to give birth and mate during the same breeding season. The newborn pups are precocial, able to start suckling within an hour. They are weaned when 9 to 10 months old. They reach maturity at about 4 to 5 years old, but males do not become territorial until the age of 8 to 10 years when their body size is the same as other males.


Population threats

Today most of the threats to New Zealand fur seals are due to human activities. They drown as by-catch during long-line and trawling fishing operations within New Zealand. Further threats include entanglement in marine debris and being harassed by people.

Population number

According to the IUCN Red List, the total New Zealand fur seal population size across New Zealand and Australia is about 200,000 individuals, including 100,000 reproductively mature individuals. Currently, this species is classified as Least Concern (LC) and its numbers are increasing.

Ecological niche

New Zealand fur seals may have an influence on the fish population due to their diet. They are also important as prey for their natural predators (sharks, orcas, leopard seals).

Fun Facts for Kids

  • New Zealand fur seals normally dive for prey for up to one or two minutes, though some individuals have been known to dive to almost 400 meters, and to stay underwater for more than 14 minutes in one go.
  • These seals mostly forage at night, using their whiskers to locate their meals.
  • Pups will spend a lot of time playing with each other and with objects like seaweed and reef fish. Doing this may help them develop skills for foraging, and for anti-predator and social behavior.
  • A New Zealand fur seal is an excellent swimmer. Juveniles have been located more than 1000 km from where they were born.
  • Sea lions and fur seals are distinguished from other species of seals by their ear flaps and their hind flippers, which they can rotate forward, enabling them to move quickly when on land.


1. New Zealand Fur Seal Wikipedia article -
2. New Zealand Fur Seal on The IUCN Red List site -

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