Pale-bellied tapaculo

Pale-bellied tapaculo

Matorral tapaculo, Rufous-rumped tapaculo

Scytalopus griseicollis

The pale-bellied tapaculo (Scytalopus griseicollis ), also known as the matorral tapaculo or rufous-rumped tapaculo, is a species of bird in the family Rhinocryptidae. It is found in Colombia and Venezuela.


The pale-bellied tapaculo is 10 to 11.5 cm (3.9 to 4.5 in) long. The nominate subspecies weighs 16.6 to 19.3 g (0.59 to 0.68 oz). One male S. g. morenoi weighed 17 g (0.60 oz) and two male S. g. gilesi 17.5 and 18 g (0.62 and 0.63 oz). The nominate adult is mostly gray, lighter on the underside. Its back and wings are brownish gray. The rump, flanks, and vent are orange-brown. S. g. gelesi has a darker back with less brown and darker (slate gray) underparts. S. g. morenoi has a brown mantle.



Biogeographical realms

The pale-bellied tapaculo inhabits the Eastern Andes of Colombia. The nominate is found in Cundinamarca and Boyacá Departments. S. g. gilesi is found in Santander Department, northeast of the nominate. S. g. morenoi is found in northern Santander Department, Norte de Santander Department, and slightly into adjacent Venezuela. It inhabits low scrub in elfin forest and páramo at elevations of 2,000 to 3,900 m (6,600 to 12,800 ft). It is also, but rarely, found in montane and oak forest. Locally it can be found in Chusquea bamboo stands, and it appears to tolerate disturbed and fragmented habitat.

Pale-bellied tapaculo habitat map
Pale-bellied tapaculo habitat map
Pale-bellied tapaculo
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Habits and Lifestyle

Seasonal behavior
Bird's call

Diet and Nutrition

The pale-bellied tapaculo is assumed to be insectivorous but few details of its diet or foraging phenology are known.

Mating Habits

The pale-bellied tapaculo's breeding phenology is also very poorly known. An adult S. g. morenoi was in breeding condition when collected in August and fledglings of that subspecies were collected in April, June, and September. Fledglings of S. g. gelesi were collected between June and December.


Population number

The IUCN has assessed the pale-bellied tapaculo as being of Least Concern. However, S. g. gelesi has a limited range and the habitat of S. g. morenoi is very badly fragmented and degraded.


1. Pale-bellied tapaculo Wikipedia article -
2. Pale-bellied tapaculo on The IUCN Red List site -
3. Xeno-canto bird call -

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