Prairie Falcon
Falco mexicanus
Population size
36-80 Thou
Life Span
3-25 years
Top speed
km/h mph 
g oz 
cm inch 
cm inch 

The Prairie falcon (Falco mexicanus) is a medium-large sized falcon from North America. Having evolved in a harsh desert environment with low prey density, the Prairie falcon has developed into an aggressive and opportunistic hunter of a wide range of both mammal and bird prey. The Prairie falcon is popular as a falconry bird, where with proper training it is regarded as being as effective as the more well-known Peregrine falcon.


Adulr Prairire falscons are warm gray-brown (sometimes called "sandy") above and pale with more or less dark mottling below. The darkest part of the upper side is the primary wing feathers; the lightest is the rump and tail, particularly the outer tail feathers. The head has a "moustache" mark like a peregrine falcon's but narrower and a white line over the eye. A conspicuous characteristic is that the axillars ("wingpits") and underwing coverts are black, except along the leading edge of the wing. This creates an effect of "struts" from the body along each wing. As in all falcons, females of this species are noticeably bigger than males.



Prairie falcons are found from southern Canada, through the western United States, and into northern Mexico. They breed from southern Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, and south-central British Columbia south through the western United States. In winter they migrate from the northernmost and highest-elevation parts of their breeding range and spread west to the deserts and Pacific coast of California, and south to Baja California Sur, Jalisco, and Hidalgo. Prairie falcons inhabit the open country, especially arid, in summer including alpine tundra to shortgrass prairie and high desert. In winter they range to low deserts and can be also found in farmland, around lakes and reservoirs, and occasionally in towns.

Prairie Falcon habitat map

Climate zones

Prairie Falcon habitat map
Prairie Falcon
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Habits and Lifestyle

Prairie falcons are generally solitary and spend time in pairs only during the breeding season. Living in a prey-sparse desert environment, these diurnal hunters have developed a wide range of hunting and flight styles. They often hunt by flying fast and low, at a height of only a few meters or so, hoping to find surprised prey as it comes over the terrain or around bushes. Prairie falcons may also use terrain as cover to approach beneath a flock of birds, then using their speed to perform a rapid climbing surprise attack into the flock. They also pursue prey sighted from a perch, again often flying low and using their speed to close with the prey in a tail-chase. Prairie falcons may even deliberately emulate the flight style of other birds in order to deceive potential prey and allow a surprise attack by the falcon. These birds communicate vocally when they are alarmed or in order to claim their territory, during courtship displays, and in aggressive situations. Near the nest, Prairie falcons produce repetitive kree kree kree…, kik kik kik…

Group name
Seasonal behavior
Bird's call

Diet and Nutrition

Prairie falcons are carnivores that eat mostly small mammals (especially in summer) and small to medium-sized birds. Common mammalian prey includes squirrels, ground squirrels, prairie dogs, chipmunks, gophers, and rabbits of various species. Reptiles are also sometimes taken. Bird prey commonly includes sparrows, starlings, grackles, doves, quail, meadow larks, pigeons, coots, teal, and mallards.

Mating Habits

February-July, peak in April-May
31 days
65 days
eyas, eyass
3-5 eggs

Prairie falcons are serially monogamous and pairs stay together during the breeding season. Their breeding season occurs from February to July, with a peak in April-May. Pairs nest on cliff ledges and don't construct nests; usually, it's a scrape in gravel or dirt on the ledge. The female lays 3-5 eggs which are subelliptical and pinkish with brown, reddish-brown, and purplish dots. The incubation period lasts around 31 days. The female does most of the incubating, and the male brings most of the food. Chicks are altricial; they are hatched with reddish bodies covered in light down. They fledge from 36 to 41 days after hatching but continue to be supported by their parents while learning to fly and hunt. At approximately 65 days of age, the chicks become independent and disperse from their natal area. They reach reproductive maturity and are ready to breed at 2 years of age.


Population threats

Main threats to Prairie falcons include illegal hunting and habitat loss as grasslands these birds are dependant on are developed for agriculture, cities, and other human uses.

Population number

According to Great Basin Bird Observatory (GBBO) resource, the total population size of the Prairie falcon is around 36,000 individuals. According to the All About Birds resource, the total breeding population of the species is at 80,000 birds. Overall, currently, Prairie falcons are classified as Least Concern (LC) on the IUCN Red List and their numbers today are increasing.

Fun Facts for Kids

  • As part of their adaptation to hotter and lower humidity desert climates, the eggs of the Prairie falcon are less porous and retain water better than those of their Peregrine falcon cousins; under these conditions this leads to a higher hatching rate.
  • Prairie falcons have the claw on their hind toe, called hallux, which is particularly effective and deadly in raking the prey. During their striking methods of hunting, Prairie falcons have been known to be so forceful they can literally separate the head from the body of the prey.
  • When the Prairie falcon locates needed prey, it is relentless in its pursuit. Its cruising speed is estimated at 72 km/h (45 mph) and it accelerates in the chase.
  • Prairie falcons nest on overhanging cliffs that can be up to 500 feet (152 meters) high.

Coloring Pages


1. Prairie Falcon on Wikipedia -
2. Prairie Falcon on The IUCN Red List site -
3. Xeno-canto bird call -

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