Ranger's toad
Amietophrynus rangeri

The raucous toad (Sclerophrys capensis ), also known as Ranger's toad, is a species of toad from Southern Africa.


Its maximal size, snout-to-vent, is about 120 mm. It is a characteristically robust medium-large-sized toad, dorsal and lateral skin liberally sprinkled with wart-like protuberances. Colour brown-to-greyish with more-or-less paired dark-brown patches flanking the medial dorsal line. The dark patches on the head meet in a brown chevron on top of the head behind and between the eyes. The anterior dorsal skin of the head lacks dark brown patches. Like most typical toads, it has a large parotoid gland behind each eye. If injured it will exude whitish spots of venom on the parotoid glands; this can be hazardous to domestic dogs if they bite a toad. The underside is whitish with the gular (throat) area of males infused with yellow with a dark blue-black bar posterior to the gular.



Biogeographical realms

S. capensis occurs in South Africa, Lesotho, Eswatini, extreme southern Namibia, and possibly extreme southern Botswana, Mozambique, and Zimbabwe.

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S. capensis occurs in fynbos heathland, grassland, dry thicket forest, savanna, and agricultural land. Breeding takes place in dams, ponds, and pools along slow-forming streams. It shows some preference for permanent water bodies.

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Habits and Lifestyle

It is fairly aquatic as toads go, commonly inhabiting ponds and dams and streams, though it seems to prefer running water and accordingly favours fountains and similar water bodies. It typically is shy, but like many toads it will visit houses and other places where insect prey are attracted to lights, mainly outside the breeding season. It then establishes itself in moist, sheltered spots such as behind flowerpots and becomes tame if not molested. It will eat practically any small animal, including small vertebrates, but mainly insects up to the size of crickets.


Diet and Nutrition



1. Ranger's toad Wikipedia article - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ranger's_toad
2. Ranger's toad on The IUCN Red List site - https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/54745/107344517

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