Short-tailed pygmy tyrant
Myiornis ecaudatus

The short-tailed pygmy tyrant (Myiornis ecaudatus ) is a small species of tyrant-flycatcher. The species is one of the smallest birds on Earth and the smallest passerine. Among both the family and the order, only the closely related black-capped pygmy tyrant approaches similarly diminutive sizes. The pygmy tyrant is widespread throughout most of the Amazon in northern and central South America.


The short-tailed pygmy tyrant is truly a pygmy of a bird, with only a handful of the smallest hummingbirds measuring smaller. The average length is 6.5 cm (2.6 in) and the weight averages at 4.2 g (0.15 oz). While the bill (though slender) is disproportionately large for the size of the bird, the tail is practically non-existent. The head is gray with blackish lores and stand-out white "spectacles". The back is bright olive-green, and the bar-less wings and tail are both black. The underside is yellow-tinged white, with light olive smudges on the chest and flanks, and the inner flight feathers are edged with yellow. The sexes are similar. Although its plumage is similar to some other tyrant flycatchers, especially the slaty-headed tody-flycatcher, in the field, the bird is more often mistaken for a large beetle or insect, especially while in flight.



A resident of tall humid forests, the bird is occasionally found in more open woodland, specifically around treefalls and tall trees in clearings. It ranges from sea-level to 750 m (2,460 ft). It is fairly common throughout most of its range, but is easily overlooked, in part due to its insect- or frog-like voice.

Short-tailed pygmy tyrant habitat map
Short-tailed pygmy tyrant habitat map
Short-tailed pygmy tyrant
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Habits and Lifestyle

The nest, a moss and fiber ball with a side entrance, is large for the size of the bird. It may be found from 1 to 8 meters (3.3 to 26.2 ft) up in the tree, and never near the canopy. 2 eggs, white overlaid with brownish or cinnamon spots, are laid.

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The short-tailed pygmy tyrant prefers to take prey by hover-gleaning from beneath leaves at mid-level in the forest. Its flight movements have a mechanical-feel that enhances the insect comparison. The abrupt movements of this dwarf make it hard to follow even if it is seen. This bird also occasionally flycatches after remaining very quiet.

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Seasonal behavior
Bird's call


1. Short-tailed pygmy tyrant Wikipedia article -
2. Short-tailed pygmy tyrant on The IUCN Red List site -
3. Xeno-canto bird call -

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