Yellow chat
Epthianura crocea

The yellow chat (Epthianura crocea ) is a small passerine bird endemic to Australia. They are known for their remarkable adaptions that aid their survival in their arid habitat.


The yellow chat is a small passerine bird usually seen in groups of 2-10 individuals. They are approximately 11 cm (4.3 in) tall and weigh 9 g (0.32 oz). They are sexually dimorphic with the adult male having a bright golden-yellow forehead and underparts with a prominent black crescent breast band. The crown and nape are a grey-olive colour, the back is yellowish-brown and the tail is black with yellow tips on the feathers. The female is of similar colouring to the male but with a paler yellow colour and with no breast band. The juveniles are distinguished by being more greyish-brown in colour than the yellow displayed by their parents. All yellow chats, including juveniles, have a distinctive yellow rump when in flight. They have relatively long legs and toes, allowing them to forage with ease for food over low vegetation and on the ground. Yellow chats can also be identified by their distinctive, high-pitched and tuneful pee pee call.



Biogeographical realms

The yellow chat occurs patchily throughout northern Australia, ranging across the arid zone from north-eastern South Australia and south-western Queensland to the north-west of the Northern Territory. There are some isolated populations in eastern Queensland and in north-west Western Australia. Their habitat is subject to high temperatures for most of the year and contains marshy plains vegetated with saltbush, rank grasses, or cumbungi reeds. These marshes have been formed by marine lagoons or inland artesian bore drains, creating a saline environment. This distribution includes the central arid region and the hot, subhumid monsoonal region. Most of the annual rainfall falls during the summer monsoon, leaving the remaining six months of the year with little rainfall.

Diet and Nutrition

The yellow chat is a predominately insectivorous bird. They scavenge for their food in damp substrates, low vegetation or in shallow water.

Mating Habits

Breeding season for the yellow chat has been observed from November to January after sufficient rain has fallen. At the beginning of the breeding season, the flocks disperse and male-female pairs form. The male follows his mate until egg-laying commences. The male defends their breeding territory by bill-clicking and chasing intruders. The female builds the nest close to the ground in small shrubs, usually samphire (Tecticornia) or in dense grass. The nests are made from vegetation such as fine twigs, rootlets, and grasses. The inside of the cup is lined with hair, usually horse or cow, and fine grasses. The female lays a clutch of two or three white to pinkish-white eggs, measuring 17 mm × 13 mm (0.67 in × 0.51 in) and marked with some reddish-brown splotches. Incubation of the eggs is approximately two weeks and alternates between the male and female.


1. Yellow chat Wikipedia article -
2. Yellow chat on The IUCN Red List site -
3. Xeno-canto bird call -

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